Talking about YouTube – Sign Up to Clean Up!


I enjoy our beaches and am an advocate for the oceans and marine life.

YouTube – Sign Up to Clean Up!

Adventures at Chitzan Itza nearby ruins, Tulum, Mexico

I went to Cancun, first time, and traveled to Tulum to see the last Mayan Ruins. Tulum was a walled fotress in the post classic period.
It had a nice, but eerie feel that was comfortable. The doorway showed how small Mayan were in stature. It was perfect for my size.

Happy Equinox and Have a Great Spring!!!

This year is already flying by. This winter saw many of us working hard in school and getting stronger by springtime. I have been working on my own college course work, writing grants for our science department, and helping students prepare for school standardized testing. I will share more with spring break coming soon. This work and effort are helping make a more fulfilling workplace and more fun to teach young people.

Talking about YouTube – Millenium Celebrations


We have come a long way from the new millenium year, 2000. 

Talking about YouTube – Millenium Celebrations

Gwen Foote goes to China-People to People Ambassadors

Nova University & Autumn in South Florida


NOVA Southeastern University.

As we are in November, I am working on my semester courses with NOVA University. 

I am working on my doctorate in Education. 

Autumn in South Florida is brisk, as we enjoy cool breezes on the beach. Science Fairs start soon.

Miami Beach in the fall.Oct.MiamiBeach 006 

Matt Damon speaks at Miami Beach Community Gathering Oct.MiamiBeach 008    

Gwen Foote attended a community gathering, invited by other science teachers and friends. The neighborhood of Miami Beach met at a community concert to encourage all to vote. The slogan was “Don’t Wait. Vote Now.” It was a chance for people to show they care about their community, their children, their future.


The afternoon was filled with music, food, camaraderie, hope, and a shared vision of promise through a change. Matt Damon came on the stage to speak to his community. His efforts were not negative, nor dismal, but hopeful. He spoke brilliantly about the community and how important it is to support government, voting, education, health, and family. It was an optimistic and inspiring talk. I was proud to show his photo to my students. We are proud to call him friend of the community and our schools.

Thank you, Matt Damon.  Oct.MiamiBeach 041

Thank you for speaking and your photo. Our students enjoyed it.

Talking about YouTube -To Nautilus Middle School-Strange Japanese Sea Creatures


I am amazed at the new and ancient species being found around the world.

YouTube – Strange Japanese Sea Creatures

Talking about YouTube – My scientific Method/Vocab homework


Who would have guessed that technology makes learning science so much fun. Someons at school laughed at me and said they couldn’t tell who was having more fun, me teaching or the students learning. That’s a good sign.

YouTube – My scientific Method/Vocab homework

Talking about YouTube – The Elements Animation


For my IB Students and fellow science teachers of Nautilus Middle School!

YouTube – The Elements Animation