Category Archives: Health and wellness

Gwen Foote, Science Club, & Green School Challenge Collaboration

This year, Gwen Foote sponsored the Science Club at Nautilus Middle School. The students worked in student driven activities with Green School Challenge, This ongoing program was initiated by our supportive administration and collaboration with faculty and students.

From GCS: “The Green Schools Challenge involves students and staff directly in designing and implementing environmental and energy solutions at their schools. Local schools reduce their overall carbon footprint while environmental sustainability. Activities are often student-led and usually promote low and no cost conservation as part of the overall plan to reduce the school’s carbon footprint. ”

Students worked with activities in conservation awareness, energy saving projects, and recycling efforts. They met monthly challenges and enjoyed field trips to learn more about energy saving efforts.

Foote’s Summer Sunrise on Miami Beach


Morning sunrise in Miami Beach

Talking about YouTube – It’s Time to Start a Sea Change


Earth Day is coming. It’s time to remember what each of us need to do for our home.

YouTube – It’s Time to Start a Sea Change

Happy Equinox and Have a Great Spring!!!

This year is already flying by. This winter saw many of us working hard in school and getting stronger by springtime. I have been working on my own college course work, writing grants for our science department, and helping students prepare for school standardized testing. I will share more with spring break coming soon. This work and effort are helping make a more fulfilling workplace and more fun to teach young people.

Shawn R. Scarbrough, Gwen’s son & Maj John T Foote, father

     I classified this as wellness because, to remember the truth of life and express feelings is to know wellness.
My students have been asking me about my son. and I ran across these photos, thinking  they (and he) would enjoy them. In 1988, I  took Shawn to Australia to visit friends and art clients. We rode with the "real" men from Snowy River (as in the Disney movie, on the actual horses in the movie), Mick and his children.
. DSCF2147DSCF2153DSCF2154DSCF2156Shawn was a charmer with animals, our own, owls, hawks, and deer. He is an amazing person, caring and strong as a child and  son.
 DSCF2157Friends with his cousins, like Danny Jr. and Angela, they had close relationships. He was close with and fond of his grandfather, Maj. John Foote Sr., alike in spirit and very close as grandfather and grandson. It is no wonder Shawn went to Iraq, as a marine, and came back safe and sound. Warriors and military leaders run in our Foote family.  We lived with his grandparents for 6 months and cherish that time spent with them.
     I was a major influence in Shawn’s life for the first 10 years of his life and it is evident in his life. We were tremendously close and I had the opportunity to be involved in all of his activities and clubs. I am thankful for having the chance to be his mother and am very proud of him. We had the experience of traveling across the country as I was working as a freelance artist, from Dallas, Texas to Seattle, WA, back through Denver when he was 9 years old. My little sister, Darlene  and I still am greatful for the memories. We were living in Dallas at the time.
     I love him and always will, regardless of time, distance, and situations that our busy lives present.
Mothers need to always enjoy the time they have with their children. It flies by so quickly!
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Enjoying Summer


I am working on some grants for my middle school science dept for this fall (until June 15).  I’m playing beach bum in South Florida. I live on the beach, out there every morning as the sun rises.  I walk 2 miles to Hollywood Boardwalk on the Beach for breakfast then back home-better than lunges. I can only do this a couple times a week. Walking in the sand is tremendous effect! Then I hit the exercise room. Every evening has thunderstorms. I love thunderstorms! I meditate during the day -fabulous growth!

So I’m working on my mental, physical, and spiritual aspects.

We have sea turtles nesting short distance from my place (Hallandale/Hollywood Beach). They are protected and fenced off. NSU Graduate students have moved 2 of them too close to the shore line. They patrol every morning watching for new nests.      I plan to visit St Catherine’s Island, Georgia to help friends with sea turtle nests  monitoring as they are laid.

July, I go to Maryland to teach at Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth, a summer program for middle school age students-Biology of the Senses. After my time in Maryland, I head back to Miami Beach to teach in August.

Sidetrips and camping on the way will give me a chance to explore historic sites and battlefields from Georgia to Pennsylvania.


Happy Solstice of 2006

I completed my first semester teaching at Nautilus Middle School, 8th Grade Science. 

We’re off for Holidays so’

“Merry Christmas”

“Happy Hanukah”

“Happy Kwanzaa”


“Happy Solstice”

I enjoy teaching at Nautilus Middle School.  Our students are inspiring and motivating.

Miami is a great place for Xmas Holidays>

But I’m off to visit family in San Antonio so

Everyone enjoy your holidays!!


Pursuing My Life’s Path

For the last 7 years, I have been working as fulltime teacher, student,  parttime college instructor, and earned another BS Degree, this time in Education.  A Certification in Special Education/Exceptional  Student Education was essential in helping me be an effective teacher.  I have been teaching on an Indian Reservation in South Dakota and helping write grants to bring more educational opportunities in science, like NASA. I enjoy working with the youth.  They are inspiring. Their energy and zest for life, keep meenthusiastic about my life and the world.

After the passing of our parents, I decided to take some time to balance my physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.  Traveling through other countries, I experienced cultures an spiritual teachings.  I swam with sharks and rays in Bora Bora,Tahiti,  sea turtles and dolphins in Hawaii and Mexico, helped with sea turtle hatchlings in Mexico and St Catherine’s Island off the coast of Georgia.
My adventures included expanding my professional development for teaching science, like sea turtles hatching in Georgia with Southern Georgia University.  Attending the National Science Teachers’ Association, I was appointed to a review board for Science Scope Magazine.
I spent a summer session teaching an honors program, Biology for Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth in Baltimore.  As a registered medical technologist in hospitals for almost 20 years, I enjoy teaching science and laboratory techniques in medicine.
I was fortunate to have time with my sister and her family.  My sister is one of my best friends for many years and our friendship has grown even deeper.  Her family was lovely to allow me to be a part of their lives.  Her husband is truly my brother and I’m glad my sister has such a good man.  My sister is encouraging me to write professionally again, so I’m focused in that direction.
I am happy to have found my new home in Florida, teaching at Nautilus Middle School in Miami Beach.

The atmosphere for education professionalism is inspiring and outstanding in standards.  My colleagues are motivating. The students are inspiring and remarkable.

Thank You, Our Parents and Children

Thank You
-Gwen Foote

Thank you, Dad and Mom for giving me
life and many things I needed to survive and thrive in this world.

You didn’t have much growing up, poor.
You always taught us family came first.
In a very large family of brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

My parents gave us more than material items.
They gave us teachings.

They taught us skills and strategies, growing and dealing in life.
They loved us, –even if they didn’t always say it.
They taught us to believe in ourselves.
-empowered us,
-to follow our dreams and ambitions.
-to raise our children
They instilled in us, traditions and values
-to better our own lives
-to pursue our destiny
-to touch others in a positive way
-to affect the world hopefully improving our little corner of it.

Children now have a difficult path to follow.

I have tremendous respect for the children growing up in the world today.

Children each go through their own hell.
Growing, hopefully developing into adults.

I hope I pass on a little of what my parents gave to me-
A way of surviving and thriving in their own lives
To pursue their dreams and ambitions to:
Achieve each of their destinies
Raise their children
Leave this world a little better, at least our corner of it.

We owe our children.
Our own, and those we teach.

We owe it to them and need to
Believe in them, and teach them
values of tradition, by living it ourselves, in truth.

Reading, writing and the abilities in academics is important,
But we also owe it to them
To learn Compassion, integrity, generosity, understanding, courage
So they may achieve their own wisdom.

Many children today grow up touched by alcoholism, drug abuse, and forms of abuse
Lost in the chaos of the world
In our own adult dramas and traumas.
Some have no mother or father or both, maybe lucky enough to have grandparents.

I hope I touch the lives of children; to teach in the way I live and interact with them.

Every day is a lesson and how I walk my path, I do so to reach my destiny.

I hope I affect my students by my dedication to them.
To show them compassion, understanding, patience, hope, happiness, and love
And how they can find their own in their hearts and lives.

They have a difficult road ahead of them in this world today.

I hope I may empower them, to follow their dreams and ambitions
To become who they are and all they can be;
To love and laugh with each other.

I owe it to them.
We owe it to them.
As family, teachers, adults in this world.

We are their care givers and they need to be cared for and about,
To believe in themselves, to be able to pursue their happiness and destiny.
To raise their own children, with discipline and love
Whether through blood, students, or Human Beings touching each others’ lives.

We owe it to these children to love, understand, empower, and believe in them.

I hope I have affected them, and continue to, in a way to help them as Human Beings
To find in themselves, their strength, courage, and wisdom.
As they are so much more them I am or ever can be.

We owe it to them because,
Children should come first and always.

Without them, we are nothing.

Thank you .